Valerie Morrison ![]() Psychic Medium
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November 1, 2012
The Morrison-Sloan Plan
The Bunting House Replacement Structure and the Future Preservation of Roxborough The Bunting House Gone but not forgotten
The Bunting House - Our Alamo
To those that would continue to destroy our heritage,
Valerie Morrison
Our recent Bunting House Mural newspaper article
"The Roxborough Review"
Plan endorsed by historical society head
To make a formal appeal to the new owners or tenets of the Bunting House property,
All individuals and businesses interested in assisting with Valerie's plan
The Bunting House Replacement Structure
- Our one chance to make it right - Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept A concept to incorporate a full scale mural of the Bunting House onto the facade of our proposed replacement building
Mural Concept, Illustrations of the proposed Replacement Building and Presentation
Passion to bring to realization our "One chance to make it right"
Endorsement, Support and Additional Refinements
Front View of The Bunting House Plaza, as we so named it, facing Ridge Avenue
Rear View from Roxborough Avenue
A FOOD CO-OP we have depicted here but we feel a mixed use string of storefronts suitable for a variety of businesses
Additionally, the sheer uniqueness of this building will attract more business tenants here than to other less dramatic rental properties
Traffic on Ridge Avenue
The only snag to the replacement building in any form whether it be our concept or a concept by the builder
Having the driveway entrance on Roxborough Ave (as in our plan) with a left turn only traffic light
The only effective remedy that will add the least amount of traffic congestion on Ridge Avenue
Rear View from Roxborough Avenue
The Parking Lot
In my haste to complete this presentation as soon as possible
The Parking Lot
The low wall depicted here facing Roxborough Avenue and the low wall at the rear of the property
Low wall exposes cars in the parking lot to homeowners across Roxborough Avenue
Low wall extended to full height hides cars and the parking lot from view
Full height wall with a mural now faces adjacent homeowners across Roxborough Avenue
It also welcomes those traveling north on Ridge Avenue to the "Hamlet of Roxborough"
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Bunting House
Our toast to the Bunting House - May it be remembered in all its glory
And a side note...
There is more history to be cherished from the Front Garden & Sitting Area of the Bunting House
A closer view of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
View of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
A closer view of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
The Massacre at Wood's Barn
On patrol in Roxborough were 40 American soldiers,
At nightfall, they arrived at the Roxborough home of Andrew Wood and asked for shelter.
Members of the British 16th Light Dragoons were also on patrol in Roxborough that night
The British set fire to the barn, and as some of the troopers tried to exit, they were shot dead while the others,
The troop commander of the Virginia Dragoons was "Light Horse" Harry Lee
In addition to a comrade-in-arms, Harry Lee was a dear friend of George Washington
Old Photograph of The Wood's Barn
The Old Mural
The existing Wood's Barn Massacre mural
The New Mural
Frank DeAngelo's replacement suggestion of the Wood's Barn Massacre mural
In the meantime, whether a full-scale mural and a change in the function of the replacement building can come to fruition or not...
The Future Preservation of Roxborough
Valerie Morrison and Don Sloan are committed to the following changes
Valerie Morrison, Don Sloan and his fellow members of the historical society,
With my involvement and attention to Roxborough matters...
A much more serious concern of mine...
I keep seeing very bad recurring feelings about someone who gets seriously injured
After mentioning my fears to my manager, he took a trip to the hospital area
At the Ridge Avenue crosswalk at Pensdale Street to the side entrance to Roxborough Hospital
And my additional concern and suggestion pertaining to our recent increase in crime committed in Roxborough...
I believe the time has come to assign to the 5th Police District a motorcycle patrol officer who could,
I know that this is a risky move for the safety of the motorcycle patrol officer in that,
Additionally, due to the nature of recent crimes committed on foot by perpetrators,
Hoping to implement these changes soon
In reference to Valerie Morrison's recent interview in the Philadelphia Daily News article:
R.I.P. tide along the Delaware River Discarded tombstones a sad legacy for departed souls
- article photo courtesy The Philadelphia Daily News Staff Photographer Ryan Greenberg -
By DAN GERINGER, Daily News Staff Writer
Due to the restraints of publishing and the minimal space that could be devoted to this story
It should be noted that this explanation described here are the same points that we have
Assembling these points here at the top of this newsletter hopefully will make our
It is Valerie Morrison's quest only to proceed to a solution to the problem of
Although we are appalled that these 22 tombstones have been left exposed here,
The good news is that we must rejoice in that now, having found these intact tombstones,
In the case of these tombstones, still hidden from view but potentially vulnerable
There were 28,000 people buried at Monument Cemetery and most* all of them were reburied
Contrary to previous reports by others, they were not buried in a mass grave at Lawnview Cemetery
Work was immediately suspended and officials, after spending a week and a half digging test shafts at the site,
Before the exhumation of the 28,000 bodies and reburial at Lawnview Cemetery,
The 26,500 unclaimed souls were each individually buried with their family members at Lawnview Cemetery
An example of this is the grave of Captain William Henry Heilman****
He and his Father William, Mother Rebecca, George K. Heilman (probably William's brother)
The graves of those, whose families were able to be contacted
As rip/rap, some of these tombstones were crushed while many were not (as the 22 now visible
The use of these abandoned tombstones ("repurposing" as some would like to call it today) of the dead
The land area around the footing of one of the bridge's support piers (it was water prior to 1956)
In the event no agency takes the 22 tombstones,
"The more I researched the (lives of every individual inscribed on the 22 visible) gravestones that were dumped here,"
It is our hope that this recovery will be performed entirely with donations and/or with grants already appropriated
Let us least not forget the dramatic photographs of Ed Snyder, pwbaker and others
And to summarize...
Hopefully someone or some agency or organization (not necessarily the City of Philadelphia as alluded to in the article)
Until then we must remember...
"And sadly between the dates on every tombstone you will find,
Author Unknown
"Consider this as you pass me by
From a Tombstone epitaph from long ago
"Show me your cemeteries
Benjamin Franklin - Philadelphia circa 1736
I wish to thank the Owners and the City Editor of the Philadelphia Daily News
Dan Geringer's genuine and sincere interest in reporting this story was certainly very much appreciated,
Valerie Morrison
May 1, 2012
"Show me your cemeteries
Benjamin Franklin
In an effort to make those in authority aware of the Tombstones that are appearing at low tide
Valerie Morrison has enlisted the aid of Walt Hunter of CBS Channel 3 Eyewitness News
...while Cameraman "Will" ventured off to the Delaware River Shoreline
This interview will soon be aired on CBS Channel 3
River Mystery - Gravestones Found Along The Banks Of Delaware River
This interview aired on CBS Channel 3 on Friday May 18, 2012
Watch the video by clicking here
Thanks to the efforts of Walt Hunter and the CBS 3 Eyewitness News Team
Hopefully someone seeing this story
Valerie Morrison and Frank DeAngelo wish to thank
And let us least not forget the efforts by Ed Snyder, pwbaker and others
See the Full Story below...
Tombstones found on the Delaware River shoreline
at the base of the Betsy Ross bridge - The Full Story -
So we learn about history
Today they are found
The following photographs however,
Hopefully someone seeing this story
But if all else fails,
Research reveals that the tombstones came from...
The Monument Cemetery was located at North Broad and Berks streets
Sadly by 1865 the city had expanded and now surrounded the cemetery,
In 1929 it had taken its last burial as it was now at its maximum capacity of 28,000 graves
And along with the inhabitants of our now "Modern" City of Philadelphia
Although the owners tried desperately to sell it to another cemetery
In 1956, The City of Philadelphia, pressured for over 10 years by landlocked neighbor Temple University
In 1956 The City of Philadelphia paid Lawnview* Cemetery $700,000.00
* Lawnview Cemetery was awarded the contract as it was the lowest bidder of two bids.
During the time of the exhumation of the graves,
Unfortunately at low tide...
Further research reveals that...
So where are the rest of the 28,000 tombstones?
So 50 tombstones are discovered revealing themselves at low tide...
With further research prompted by a psychic's "hunch", I review older maps of the shoreline
Notice that the Frankford Canal has not been built yet
It looks like the City of Philadelphia gave their town of Bridesburg
The dump trucks probably backed up to the old shoreline (in red)
This was done obviously to protect from water erosion
If the 28,000* tombstones were indeed all put here at this location,
They apparently initially covered them up well
* A better estimate of how many tombstones were abandoned is 13,250.
To the scores of Poor Souls...
Many are adorned with beautiful pieces of art
Sadly many are plagued by vandalism, disrepair, neglect
In this day and age of ever increasing urban population
Fortunately we now all see that the relocation of cemeteries,
Valerie Morrison, as a Psychic Medium, often finds herself speaking with the dead...
Maybe in the near future a group of volunteers could be assembled
Since they are without remains and not subject to any Department of Health regulations,
Philadelphia is truely a wonderful place to live and Valerie Morrison, as a concerned citizen,
The how and why this situation with these tombstones developed is of no importance
The good news is that we all today now see clearly the mistakes in judgement of our past...
Valerie Morrison has currently started discussions
When a final working plan has been carefully formulated...
Valerie will start by contacting local authorities first
Valerie will respectfully make an official appeal
Pending further discussions, the following preliminary plan* has been formulated thus far...
This particular preliminary plan is to only retrieve the tombstones located at the shoreline
This plan is not fashioned by any means to set a precedent on the disposition of
In the case of these tombstones the best that we can hope for is to insure that they remain covered,
01- All exposed intact tombstones (22 estimated) will be rescued and relocated
02- Any miscellaneous stonework that is artistically appealing will be collected as well
03- A perpetual web site will be created after the recovery as a depository for historic
04- All tombstones removed will be replaced with equal or greater amounts of concrete building rubble
05- Artistically appealing signs will be posted at the site advising any future visitors
06- The Delaware River Port Authority as well as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
07- Any individuals, that have in the past, collected and now have in their possession any
08- All names of the donators, volunteers and those of political influence aiding in this
09- If City funding is found to be unavailable for this project...
10- If a City workforce is found to be unavailable for this project...
After careful deliberation Valerie Morrison and her advocates propose
Lawnview Cemetery
The City of Philadelphia
In retrospect, The City of Philadelphia should be commended for doing an excellent job
It appears that The City of Philadelphia initially covered the tombstones up well
Valerie Morrison and her associates are very much embarrassed to have money spent on this recovery
It is our hope that this recovery will be performed entirely with donations
The buttressing of the shoreline does not have to be done immediately
In the event that only a token few* of the 50 tombstones are allowed to be recovered,
An accurate accounting of the names on each of the 50 tombstones should be made
The GPS location of the reburial site of each tombstone should also be noted
This work could be accomplished
* If a choice as to what tombstones are to be reunited with their graves at Lawnview Cemetery,
In memory of the 28,000 souls removed from the Monument Cemetery
Dr. Russell Conwell was Temple University's founder.
Three years later, in June 1959, Temple brought their graves back to the Temple University Campus / Monument Cemetery Site
10 years later, late in the summer of 1968, they were moved once again, this time
For humanitarian reasons,
Rest in Peace
Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every bridge...
We just received a report from one of Valerie's New Jersey clients
A concerned parent contacted the Courier Post and a story was done.
Frank DeAngelo has not been able to find this Courier Post article
Ironically the same day another individual happened to mention something similar.
If this information is correct that New Jersey has a similar problem,
We have been following the many plans* already in existence by other agencies
The area proposed by these other agencies to become part of the green belt park system
With research now suggesting that the entire population of the Monument Cemetery tombstones
** This would be the most affordable alternative solution compared to reuniting the exposed tombstones to Lawnview Cemetery.
- Monument Park -
- NOTE -
When his tombstone is finally reunited with his grave, we anticipate the following ceremony...
Soon to Rest in Peace?
This photograph is of Ed Snyder the photographer and author
Ed is seen here during his last trek to the site to determine the weights of the tombstones
Valerie's trip to Lawnview Cemetery to visit Captain William Henry Heilman's grave
This is the Marker to the Heilman Family grave plot
We have been receiving many reports from others who have been to these graves in the past
...they report that the place of burial of the Monument Cemetery graves,
Additionally some reports also indicate that...
Our goal is to return Captain William Henry Heilman's tombstone*
To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...
During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Soon you will rest in peace once again.
* Because it is our understanding that Lawnview Cemetery does not allow "above the ground" tombstones
1- Pay Lawnview to lay the tombstones horizontally and flush to the ground at their respective gravesites.
Why we must honor the dead of Monument Cemetery
Philadelphia's second rural cemetery
In addition, of course, to the universally accepted right of the dead by all civilizations
We must also remember and understand
No you say? You don't see any connection?
Try this often-overlooked scenario on for size...
One of the 28 tombstones found is that of William Henry Heilman
Had the outcome of the Civil War been different
Think of it, the headlines of today in 2012
Segregated schools, restaurants, bathrooms, buses and water fountains.
And more importantly one year later in 1963...
Dr. Martin Luther King's dream in 2012 is with no doubt a reality...
And finally...
If the above scenario about Captain William Henry Heilman and his Civil War comrades
The Wissahickon Boys Club for black boys between the ages of 6 and 18
Bill Cosby of course went to Temple and honors them frequently whenever he is in town
Captain William Henry Heilman,
Bessie W. Heilman grew up to become a schoolteacher and in 1892 she was the assistant
The Wissahickon Boys Club's educational history instilled in their students,
So Temple University's Campus that once held the tombstone of the man,
The Discovery of the Monument Cemetery tombstones
In the process of researching my curiosity about my grandfather's connection
You see "my discovery" of the tombstones
Although the photographs of the tombstones were all taken within the last two years,
It should be noted that in the following chronological list
Without all of these below listed contributors data and visuals
Jan 18, 2001
Dec 12, 2010
Apr 30, 2011
Sep 30, 2011
Oct 23, 2011
Feb 22, 2012
Mar 10, 2012
May 02, 2012
Contributors to this Website and Cause
Frank DeAngelo
Donald Sloan
Nick Bucci
Jim Loudon
Adam P. Flint
Now an attempt to breathe life back to the Tombstones
Mary Ann Leeman
I see Mary Ann and her Tombstone so all alone...
And sadly between the dates on every tombstone you will find,
But fortunately I and others hear the Tombstones say, as we pass them by...
So with the above sad thoughts in mind...
I decided to do some research and hopefully bring some meaning back
In 1880 Mary Ann Leeman was 45 years old and married to Samuel Leeman age 50 (born in 1830)
Living with them were their daughters Adelia H. Leeman age 25 (born in 1854),
The entire Leeman family was born in Maine.
Also residing with them
On May 15, 1883 in Philadelphia
Sadly 2 years, 10 months and 13 days later on March 28, 1886
School Ship USS Adams - Launched in 1874
Charles C. Platt went on to become a Sea Captain
On April 17, 1929 at age 75 Charles died from Heart Disease.
Mary Leeman's only brother Frank A. Leeman's tombstone was never found
Charles C. and Mary Leeman Platt's tombstone was also found
The picture below is of the picture above, flipped to read
Mary Leeman Platt
Charles C. Platt
October 7, 1893 Philadelphia Inquirer
Other Platt family members buried at Monument Cemetery...
Buried July 28, 1895 / A.D. Holland died at age 33 (born about 1862)
Also this tombstone from the picture above...
Magdalena Heilman
Further research reveals...
Magdalena Heilman was born in Germany as was her father John Gurne and her mother Mary Staff.
Magdalena was married to Casimir C. Heilman.
On or about January 4, 1895 she became a widow
In 1897 she was living at 850 N 11th Street Philadelphia.
Magdalena died at age 88 years 1 month 1 day on August 5, 1906
Virginia Gordon
The above epitaph should be read...
Further research reveals...
In about 1802 James Gordon was born in Ireland.
On April 14, 1815 Catharine (aka Cathrine, Cathan) Mc Dowell (James Gordon's future wife)
In 1840 Catharine immigrated to America.
James and Catharine Gordon had the following children...
Nathaniel (aka Nathl, Nath) Gordon
Frances (aka Fanni, Fannie, Fanny) Gordon
Catharine J Gordon Jr. (aka Cathrine, Cathryne J, C. Jame)
Virginia (aka Jennette) Gordon
Margaret Jane Gordon
James Peydon Gordon Jr.
In 1850 the family was living at 361 (street name unknown)
In 1860 the family was living at 1891 (street name unknown)
In 1863 the family was living at 1816 Lombard Street in Philadelphia
On August 7, 1863 tragedy struck the Gordons
On December 18, 1867 tragedy struck again
In 1870 James Gordon and his son Nathaniel are now both American citizens
On January 1, 1877 James Gordon died at age 77
On May 11, 1885 death struck the family again when Nathaniel died at age 45.
In 1900 widow Catharine Gordon's home at 1816 Lombard Street in Philadelphia
On January 20, 1903 Catharine Gordon died at age 88.
In 1908 Frances Gordon, now the head of the household, and her sister Cathryne J Gordon
On July 4, 1916 Catharine Gordon (Jr.) died at age 69.
On January 4, 1924 Frances Gordon died of pneumonia at age 74.
Bartholomew Green
Further research reveals...
At the time of the U.S. Federal Census of 1870, Bartholomew Green was 18
In 1877 Bartholomew's father died
The following detrimental phrases and wording used, that I highlighted in red, are not mine
At the time of the U.S. Federal Census of 1880,
With this in mind...
In the "Idiots Supplement", Bartholomew Green is listed with the following notations...
Name: Bartholomew Green
The instructions to the enumerators (those taking the count and filling out the forms)
"The object of this Supplemental Schedule is to furnish material not only for a
It is important that every inquiry respecting each case be answered as fully as possible.
The word "idiot" has a special meaning which it is essential for every enumerator to know.
The enumeration (counting) desired for the census is of true idiots only.
Needless to say...
May God bless you Bartholomew Green.
Although you never had a real chance at life
Mary H. Irons
Further research reveals...
Mary was the widow of Zorobabel H. Irons when she died of pneumonia
Zorobabel (Babel) H. Irons was born in 1801 and was a Sea Captain of ships hauling freight.
In 1870 they were living at 117 Callowhill Street in Philadelphia.
Also in 1870 the Schooner "Babel H. Irons" was built in Wilminton Delaware and named after him.
In 1878 Mary is shown living at a Boarding House at 513 N. 6th Street.
In September 6, 1877 Babel's Schooner, now commanded by another captain (Master Honck),
Ironically one of the last products hauled by the "Babel H. Irons" into Philadelphia
From 1890 until 1905 Mary is shown living at 3606 N. 22nd Street in Philadelphia.
In August 20, 1905 their daughter Laura H. Irons, age 43 and who was living in Mt. Pocono,
In 1910 Mary is shown living at 427 W. Rittenhouse Street in Philadelphia.
Charles A. Ayres M.D.
Further research reveals...
Dr. Charles A. Ayres, before moving to Philadelphia, was formerly from Wilkes-Barre, PA.
From 1897 to 1904 he was a member of the Masonic Secret Society
James Stark
Further research reveals...
James was born about 1848 and died suddenly at St. Vincent Hospital while he was in New York.
Further research reveals...
In about 1844 or 1845 Harrison (Harry) C. Wright was born in Pennsylvania.
His parents were John (aka Jno) Wright born about 1811 in Pennsylvania, as were both his parents
In 1850 the Wright family members living at (address unknown)
In 1860 the Wright family members living at (address unknown) in Philadelphia were...
In September 1862 a "Harrison C. Wright" is shown as being enlisted
In 1870 the Wright family members living at (address unknown) in Philadelphia were...
In 1872 the Wright family is shown living at 1710 N. 19th street in Philadelphia
In 1880 the Wright family members living at 1710 N. 19th street in Philadelphia were...
On May 3, 1881 Harrison C. Wright died at age 36
The picture below is flipped to read
Charles Mortimoore
Further research reveals...
Charles Mortimoore's occupation was that of a Banknote Printer.
In 1850 the Mortimoore family members living at (address unknown)
During the course of their lives together they lived at...
In 1873 when Charles died at age 56 they were living at 2106 Master Street.
In 1880 Catharine Mortimoore, now widowed, was living at 509 Reed Street
In 1889 Catharine was still living at this address when she died at age 71.
Phoebe Mortimoore
Further research reveals...
Phoebe (aka Phebe) Mortimoore (aka Mortimore) was Charles Mortimoore's (see above) Mother.
On January 19, 1861 Phoebe died at age 71 years 25 days.
Phoebe was buried on January 22, 1861 at Monument Cemetery.
Her son Charles ordered from "Moore" the undertaker the following items listed on his receipt...
William Hill Moore was born in 1804 in Trenton, New Jersey and came to Philadelphia in 1819
At age 22 he started his own business and bought a small shop at 510 Arch Street
To make a coffin before its intended occupant was dead had never been heard of before
Additionally the burials of infected people were required to be made between 10 PM at night
As the oldest undertaker company in the city
William had great compassion for the dead and their survivors
Father & Mother
Further research reveals...
The names on this tombstone were originally reported incorrectly as being Classey.
Further research reveals...
On April 15, 1861 Andrew Cousley was born in Ireland as were both his Father and Mother.
In about 1856 Margaret Cousley, Andrew Cousley's wife,
In 1881 Margaret immigrated to America and was naturalized in 1888.
Andrew and Margaret Cousley had the following 3 born and 3 surviving children...
Edith G. Cousley born in New York about 1888
On December 28, 1894 Andrew Cousley while living at 1624 Summer Street in Philadelphia,
In 1898 the family was living at 1624 Summer Street in Philadelphia
In 1907 Margaret started renting out rooms at her home to supplement
In 1910 the Cousley family members living at 1624 Summer Street were...
Additionally, Margaret Cousley's occupation was listed as a manager of apartments
On October 6, 1918 Edith's husband Solomon H. (Howard) Shively (aka Shiveley) died.
In 1920 the Cousley family members were living at 1832 W. Tioga Street in Philadelphia and were...
In 1930 the Cousley family members were still living at 1832 W. Tioga Street and were...
The family would continue to live at 1832 W. Tioga Street up until 1934.
On January 18, 1934 Margaret Cousley died
Ebenezer Witham
Further research reveals...
Ebenezer Witham was born about 1808 in England.
His parents were Thomas Witham, a Baptist clergyman born in London,
Together Ebenezer's parents had six children...
Although not unusual in days gone by, the following facts
"Ebenezer Witham married his niece"
So life goes on and Ebenezer and his brother Archibald learned the jewelry business.
After succeeding his brother Archibald,
In 1839 the Witham & Newman Company was located below Market Street at 27 Franklin Place.
Also in 1859 the Witham family was residing at 441 Green Street in Philadelphia
In 1860 Ebenezer Witham was 37, his wife Ann, who also was from England, was 41
In 1870 Ebenezer Witham was 62, his wife Ann was 59
In 1878 Ebenezer's partner John Newman died.
In 1880 Ebenezer Witham was 72, his wife Ann was 68
In 1882 Ebenezer had been ill for about 2 months
In October 21, 1890 Widow Ann Witham left the family residence at 441 Green Street
In April 18, 1893 Ann Witham at age 81 died.
In August 21, 1897 the 441 Green Street property still owned by the Witham Estate
Although Ebenezer died with a huge estate worth over $ 700,000.00
[First Name Unknown] A. Witham
Further research reveals...
Although the first name is submerged and not visible on this tombstone
Other Tombstones that have been found along these shores...
Fannie Mary Magee
Further research reveals...
Fannie was born about 1874 and was in Oil City, Pennsylvania when she died.
Amanda Eppelsheimer
[First Name Missing] Eppelsheimer
Further research reveals...
Amanda died in July 9, 1918 and was living at 5033 Green Street in Germantown.
Elizabeth, wife of Edward Cowdrick
Edward Cowdrick
Further research reveals...
In about 1811 Edward Cowdrick was born in Pennsylvania.
In about 1816 Elizabeth Cowdrick was born in Pennsylvania.
Edward and Elizabeth Cowdrick had the following children all born in Pennsylvania...
Charles W. Cowdrick born about 1836, occupation Bricklayer
In 1844 Edward Cowdrick and family were living at Elizabeth and Parrish Streets in Philadelphia
Later in 1844 and up until 1856 Edward and family were living at 52 Lewis Street
In 1856 Edward and family were living at 956 Warnock Street in Philadelphia
In the Census of 1860 Elizabeth Cowdrick is reported as being blind.
In 1870 Fanny Abrahms, relationship unknown, born about 1847, was living with the family.
In 1880 Sallie Cowdrick, their niece, born about 1852, was living with the family.
On December 3, 1886 Elizbeth Cowdrick died
On March 3, 1896 Edward Cowdrick died
Mary F. Sagee
Further research reveals...
Mary F. (Frank) Sagee was a School Teacher.
Her father Francis Sagee was born about 1805
The USS John Adams
On May 23, 1853 Mary's Father Francis, suddenly at age 48 years, died.
In 1870 Mary and her family were living at 1017 Morgan Street
The "Girls Normal School"
Living at this address were her daughters
Also residing there were her Mother's Nephew Orestes A. Divers age 29 a clerk in a store,
On December 3 1906 Mary's mother Annie Sagee at age 82 years died.
In 1905 to 1907 Mary was teaching at the James L. Claghorn School
The "James L. Claghorn School"
In 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911 Mary F Sagee is living at 1830 Montgomery Avenue.
On July 20, 1931 Mary F. Sagee died and was living at 202 E. Tabor Road.
James Lunney
Further research reveals...
James Lunney was born about 1816 and his wife Mary about 1813
From 1861 to 1881 they were living at 1136 Lombard Street.
When James died in 1883 his occupation was that of a Tailor
Now to put faces to some of the dead who were buried in Monument Cemetery
The picture below is of the picture above, flipped to read
William Henry Heilman
Further research reveals...
In 1844 William Henry Heilman age 1 and born in Pennsylvania,
In 1850 William was now 7 and living with his parents
Living with the family also were presumably his brother Horris age 15 (born about 1835)
Also living there, relationship unknown, were Anna Mc Man age 21 and born in Ireland
On December 30, 1861 William Henry Heilman at age 18
April 6, to April 7, 1862 BATTLE OF SHILOH at Shiloh, Tennessee
On August 13, 1862 William Heilman, now a Sergeant, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
April 29, 1862 to May 30, 1862 SIEGE OF CORINTH* at Corinth, Mississippi
On October 14, 1862 Heilman joined sick to Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island
December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863 BATTLE OF STONES RIVER* at Murfreesboro, Tennessee
On September 20, 1863, during the Battle of Chickamauga
On November 23, 1863, 2 months after the Battle of Chickamauga
The Civil War Battle at Chickamauga, Georgia
Duration of Battle: 2 days - September 19 and 20, 1863
Forces Engaged: 125,000 Men
Casualties: 34,624 Men
November 23, to 25, 1863 CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGN at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
On February 29, 1864 First Lieut. William H. Heilman, although of the 15th U.S. Infantry,
On May 4, 1864 Heilman joined, from a field command,
May 28, to 30, 1864 BATTLE OF TOTOPOTOMOY CREEK at Hanover County, Virginia
In June 1864 Heilman was commanding:
On August 30, 1864 Heilman was transfered from Fort Adams
In November and December of 1864 Heilman was at Fort Adams
On January 30, 1865 William was transfered from Fort Adams
In 1865 William H. Heilman was stationed at Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island
In 1866 Heilman was stationed at Huntsville, Alabama in the Regiment.
From August 4, 1866 to December of 1867
On March 14, 1868 Heilman was in Atlanta, Georgia receiving his military commission.
On March 20, 1868 Heilman was in Montgomery, Alabama receiving his military commission.
On April 12, 1868 Heilman went on a leave of absence for 80 days in Atlanta, Georgia.
In May and early June of 1868 Heilman was stationed at Tuscumbia, Alabama.
On June 20, 1868 Heilman returned from absent with leave
In late June, July and August of 1868 Heilman was stationed at Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
On January 22, 1868 Heilman was stationed at Montgomery, Alabama.
In February 1868 Heilman was stationed at Huntsville, Alabama.
On August 10, 1868 he was transfered to Mobile, Alabama from Tuscumbia, Alabama.
On August 25, 1868 a telegram from War Dept. Headquarters Alabama accepted Heilman's resignation.
By the end of the Civil War, Heilman's regiment had fought in 22 major battles.
After the war he became an active member in
On April 28, 1868 Captain William Heilman now 25 years old
In 1870 William H. Heilman was 25 and worked as clerk in a store.
Also living at his father's house, relationship unknown, were...
On December 24, 1871 William H. Heilman's father William Heilman died at age 61.
In addition to being a well known merchant
In 1877 William H. Heilman worked as clerk at 233 S. 4th Street
In 1878 he lived at 2349 St. Albans Place.
In 1880 William H. Heilman was 38 and worked as a clerk at the Pennsylvania Railroad.
On October 26, 1880 William Henry Heilman's mother Rebecca died at age 64
From 1886 to 1893 records show him living with his family at 2301 N. College Avenue
In 1900 the Heilman family is shown living at a rented home at 323 West School Lane.
Further research reveals that...
In 1900 William H. Heilman is shown as being divorced,
It would have been so easy for this writer to skip this derogatory detail,
Did William turn to alcohol to hide from the horrors of his memories of the war
We may never know what caused his divorce, but what we do know is that this difficulty to adjust
On Tuesday January 5, 1909 Captain William H. Heilman died at age 66.
The Undertaker
* The Oliver H. Bair Funeral Home was built in 1907.
The Church
After the church services his undertaker's hearse brought his body through this gate
It drove down this road* to his final resting place in amongst the graves to the right of this road
In addition to family and friends, it is presumed in attendance were also...
On January 29, 1909 Anna B.V. Heilman with her attorney A.B. Wells filed for a widow's military pension
And as his now empty hearse leaves the cemetery through this gate,
His tombstone was put here...
...While his body was reburied here
On August 20, 1956 William H. Heilman and his family plot at Monument Cemetery
Included in the family plot were his Father William, Mother Rebecca, and
This plaque now marks the location of his and his family's graves today at Lawnview Cemetery.
To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...
During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Soon you will rest in peace once again.
These Souls have been verified to have been moved and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery
Captain Henry C. Coates
Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined
Henry C. Coates was living in Minnesota and was working as a printer when the Civil War broke out.
He was 30 years old when he enlisted in 1861 with the 1st Minnesota militia.
Henry was promoted to Captain of the 1st Minnesota Infantry regiment and fought at Gettysburg.
Since all his senior officers had been killed or were wounded and were unfit for duty
After the war, Henry returned to his birthplace of Philadelphia.
Henry attended the dedication of the 1st Minnesota monument at Gettysburg in 1897,
Henry died at age 79 on September 18, 1909 while at Wildwood New Jersey
Captain Henry C. (Clay) Coates (second from left) at his Gettysburg Reunion in 1897
- A Side Note -
Duration of Battle: 3 days - July 1, 2, and 3, 1863
Forces Engaged: 172,000 Men
Casualties: 46,286 Men
Horses Killed: 1,500 (Some reports say 3,000)
- A Side Note -
Total Dead: 562,130* Men
Total Wounded: 469,201** Men
Horses Killed: Over 1.5 million (1,500,000)
Major Hampton Sidney Thomas
Photograph of Major Hampton S. Thomas during the Civil War
Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined
Photograph of Hampton S. Thomas when he enlisted in the Union Army
Hampton was born on November 03, 1837 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.
He entered the service from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on April 22, 1861
At the April 05, 1865 Civil War skirmish at Amelia Springs, Virginia
On his last charge his right leg was shattered from a bullet
Though wounded severely to the extent that his leg was amputated,
Hampton was married September 27, 1864 in Philadelphia.
In 1889 Hampton published his book:
His Medal was awarded to him 29 years after the Civil War ended on January 15, 1894.
In 1898 Hampton was the Court Number 28 Police Magistrate at 4438 Main Street in Manayunk.
In November 1898 he was stricken with paralysis.
Photograph of Hampton Sidney Thomas circa 1890's
Sarah Gray Tomlin
Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined
Sarah Gray Tomlin was born in New Jersey.
In September 1832 Enoch's Furniture Warehouse was located at 63 N. Front Street in Philadelphia
"Absconded, September 17th, 1832, an apprentice to the chair making (trade),
Enoch Tomlen
Between 1839 and 1843 records show that
Enoch died on February 1, 1848.
On November 26, 1869 at age 70
John Sartain's Memorial
A monument designed by the famous sculptor John Sartain
It was 70 foot tall and made of granite with bronze ornamentation.
The photograph above shows the June 6, 1956 removal of the memorial
The whereabouts of this huge memorial and John Sartain's own tombstone
- A Side Note -
John Sartain also designed and built the Monument Cemetery Gatehouse and Chaple
John Sartain and Edgar Allan Poe (above) were very close friends when Poe lived in Philadelphia.
And this final thought from our own Philadelphia resident...
"Show me your cemeteries
Benjamin Franklin
May 27, 2012
On Sunday, the day before Memorial Day, we paid our respects at Lawnview Cemetery
Anna also was originally buried at Monument Cemetery
Before we report this days Memorial day proceedings,
Anna M. Ross
During the Civil War from 1861 to 1865 thousands of Union soldiers traveled to and from
As the numbers of these poor, suffering soldiers grew, several responsible citizens
At the corner of Washington and Delaware Avenue across from the Old Swedes Church
At the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon" named after the owner of the shop, William Cooper,
Anna M. Ross was recognized above the other lady managers
Telegrams would be sent to the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons" from the Union Headquarters
In addition to serving wholesome food, coffee was dispensed,
To the young homesick boys leaving for war, the citizens of Philadelphia gave encouragement
And sadly later, to the soldiers returning from war with injuries and sickness
From the day of the opening of the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon" Anna Ross toiled unceasingly,
For those soldiers traveling through Philadelphia on their way home from the battlefields,
For those soldiers that died in her hospital she arranged transportation for the families
During the course of the War, over 400,000 troops were served by these Saloons
So famous and prized was the work of the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons"
As the Civil War progressed it became evident with the increasing overwhelming demands
She took it upon herself to raise the needed funds, while still ministering to those in need.
She traveled throughout the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Due to her untiring efforts of toil and care for the less fortunate, Anna's health broke down,
The love that people had for Anna was felt far and wide from her hospital in Philadelphia
Her funeral was attended by a immense multitude of people in keeping with
Thousands of people followed her casket to Monument Cemetery (now the Temple University Campus)
After the Civil War the soldiers of the rebellion never forgot her.
As noted before in this Newsletter, Monument Cemetery was removed in 1956
Anna's grave was reburied at Lawnview Cemetery in 1956
"Anna M. Ross Camp #1" of the Dept of Pennsylvania's
and their Auxiliary, the...
"Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War",
The Auxiliary recently obtained a more fitting and pleasing* "headstone",
- Today's Proceedings -
Going only as an observer to Anna's ceremony
And the heartfelt sadness, tears and trembling lips of the occasion were felt by all
A prayer for Anna...
...and after 149 years since Anna's death, "her boys*" still pay her tribute
As do John M. McNulty and his father John T.
And the bugler
The Pledge of Allegiance...
...still so dearly cherished in this land
Old Glory forever...
Then the Rose petals for Anna... "her boys" gently rain them down upon her grave
And the 3-Volley Gun Salute
And when the gun smoke clears...
...we must rejoice in who we are and what we still hold dear today
...while always being "at the ready"
I wish to thank all those that attended and made me feel a part of Anna's Legacy...
Including Margaret Atkinson, past National President of the Auxiliary,
John M. McNulty and his father John T.
Anna's "boys" who shared with me their comradery (and their refreshments),
God Bless you all
I would also like to convey a very special thanks to...
Jim Loudon - Recorder
...whose Commandery is actively engaged in an effort to move
And as we leave you dear Anna...
We promise not to think of you just once every year,
And as we leave this sacred place...
Let us not leave unnoticed or unspoken for,
Yes, here lies the long forgotten and believed by many to be
Hattie Mae Wiatt
Her .57 cents made a difference
In the beginning, Russell Conwell, the founder of Temple University,
Hattie, who lived nearby and loved going to his Sunday School,
Russell seeing Hattie crying on the steps one Sunday,
Not much later Hattie, at age 5, died of Diphtheria and at her funeral at Russell Conwell's church,
So moved by Hattie's intensions, Russell started the "Wiatt Mite Society" fund.
So successful was the new church with attendance that Russell decided to buy a larger church.
Now with the money now gone for the previous expansion, he needed terms to buy the larger church.
Fearing that he would never be able to come up with the large down payment for the $25,000 church,
It should be noted that both Hattie and later Russell Conwell were buried at Monument Cemetery
Stay tuned for further developments...
June 1, 2012
The "Calvary" to the rescue...
One of the 22 or so tombstones that appears at low tide is that of...
William Henry Heilman
During our research of William we found that after the war in 1865 he became an active member in
Finding that the MOLLUS organization was still in existence today
We found at this time, in speaking with their Jim Loudon, their designated contact person for this matter,
Ever since the discovery of the tombstones, Valerie has vowed to William Heilman this prayer...
To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...
During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Soon you will rest in peace once again.
...The MOLLUS Commandery may now make her prayer at last, come true.
Valerie at William's family grave at Lawnview Cemetery
Join Valerie Morrison on this special broadcast
from 11 AM to 1 PM on the... Vincent Borrelli Talk Radio Show "The Chief's Corner" Valerie is Vincent's guest and will be taking your calls
This show will be aired on...
Sunday Late Morning August 5, 2012
Broadcasting remotely from the...
2001 S. Delaware Ave.
Brought to you by...
Call with your question to Psychic Valerie Morrison
From your Radio...
Saturday June 9, 2012
Vineland New Jersey City's 21st Car Cruise Featured...
The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...
Danny & The Juniors
I love watching Frank Maffei's* energy and love of what he does in this next video
The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...
Valerie Morrison
The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...
Johnny Lerro
Watch The Car Cruise 1/5 by clicking here
How can people be so Heartless?
Yes its Valerie Morrison's "Manager" Frank DeAngelo again writing to you this week
This next story has been nagging at Valerie and I for some years now.
As a young boy my parents would often take me and my brothers
* My Uncle Lou along with Ed McMahon of "The Tonight Show" fame
One day, when I was about seven years old (Circa 1954) and we were visiting there,
They toiled for months uncovering the graves
Dad told me how the Lafayette Cemetery was condemned because of health issues.
He also told me of how my Grandfather often told him tales of seeing jewelry,
A 1862 Map of the Lafayette Cemetery near my Grandfathers house in South Philly
When the Lafayette Cemetery was officially founded in 1839,
The Lafayette Cemetery's first interment was on December 20, 1838
This is a 1946 photograph of the Lafayette Cemetery
After my Grandfather's participation in the 1946 exhumation of the Cemetery...
The old cemetery grounds were turned into a Park and Ball Field
In 1930 Pat's and later in 1966 Geno's cheese steak restaurants adjoin the area
Fast forward 42 years to October 9, 1988 and I am now living in Bristol
While a strip mall was being built near the Neshaminy Mall,
Work was immediately suspended and officials,
In a scene, to many peoples minds, reminiscent of Auschwitz...
and the 1982 film "Poltergeist"...
Further official research revealed that...
In 1946 Thomas A. Morris, President of the Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery in Bensalem,
With no one now living to prosecute, there was only one thing left to do...
There at this field of grass "dumping ground",
...that could never pay tribute enough to the 47,000 people that lie hidden there.
How the City of Philadelphia in 1946
What is even more intimidating is that there are some who speculate
So the next time you enjoy a lovely evening at Capitolo Park,
And the next time you go shopping at the Neshaminy Mall,
Left Photo: Macy's Neshaminy Mall / Middle Photo: Neshaminy Blvd looking East / Right Photo: The "Empty" Field
And the next time you hear the Lyrics of "Three Dog Night's" song "Easy To Be Hard"...
Think about this deployable disgrace to humanity
How can people be so Heartless?
Who care about Strangers?
Because it's so...
A visitor from the other side?
For all her life, Rayann was very close to my daughter Helen
Helen is gone but yet Rayann frequently thinks of her,
A recently taken picture of Rayann while praying for Helen
After this photo was taken and then viewed,
Touching the Apparition's cheek is Helen's favorite red and black striped blanket
Is the Apparition merely the play of shadows and reflected light or is it something more?
Is it my Daughter Helen thankful to know that she will never be forgotten?
Sure you did Valerie...
This is Valerie Morrison's Manager Frank DeAngelo speaking to you this week.
As Valerie Morrison's Manager I must say that I use the term "Manager" loosely.
This week I would like to go against her better judgment for once
I have always been surprised by Valerie of those she has associated with in her past
I few examples of what I routinely experience working with her are...
As I was watching an old episode of "The Fugitive" on TV in Valerie's kitchen,
As an avid fan of David Janssen, rest his soul, in his highly successful TV Series "The Fugitive",
Turns out that when Frank Sinatra brought Valerie to Las Vegas on a business trip one summer,
Valerie continued over the years to keep in touch with David
Going through her old photographs that I regularly find never ceases to amaze me also...
This one in paticular sparked my interest as I asked Valerie, "Who was this man?"
Turns out that Frank Sinatra knew Valerie's Father and many many years ago whenever Frank was in town,
Later in life Valerie became a part of Frank Sinatra's entourage
Valerie and Frank and his crew would usually dine at Palumbo's or at Bookbinders
When Frank did Atlantic City he would rent an entire floor of the hotel for himself and his crew.
When traveling one night in New York, Frank Sinatra introduced Valerie to Liza Minnelli.
Another time during one of Frank Sinatra's local tours,
As the 1975 Philadelphia Inquirer News Article explains...
Back in 1975 Sid Mark did not believe in Psychics.
Impressed by Valerie, Sid invited Valerie to become a regular guest on his show thereafter
Thus began Valerie Morrison's Radio Career on WWDB and she later, after this stint with Sid Mark,
Frank Ford (Husband to a very caring and special person: Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham),
But the story that created all the fuss on Sid Mark's radio show was when...
Mayor Frank Rizzo was a guest on Sid's show and Valerie happened to be listening.
Valerie called into Sid's show and warned the Mayor...
Although Valerie received much doubt and even more criticism from some of the WWDB staff...
More than 500* Firefighters worked feverishly for over 2 days to subdue the inferno.
Valerie visited Rizzo in the hospital during his recovery and needless to say,
Mayor Frank Rizzo awarded Valerie Morrison
Usually only presented to dignitaries and other "important" people
and in the years to follow Valerie was invited to many functions with Mayor Rizzo
Later Sid Mark was interviewed and this article was published.
Years later on July 16, 1991 at age 70,
True to her friendship, Valerie Morrison and her husband Charles were the first to arrive at their home
And amid the confusion, the sadness, the disbelief
There in the background was Rizzo's pet parrot calling and calling and calling...
The funeral motorcade that accompanied Frank's body to the cemetery
Rest in peace good friend
Getting back to the mysterious picture...
When Frank Sinatra's Limo Driver Austin retired, Frank got him to drive for Valerie.
Valerie always remembers Frank Sinatra now as...
OK Valerie, So how did you happen to be in this photo with James Darren?
Well like I said, while traveling with Frank Sinatra
"Kippee", Frank Palumbo's wife, made a dream come true
"Kippee" had heard that Helen adored James Darren
--- A SIDE NOTE ---
Frank and "Kippee" Palumbo were wonderful down-to-earth generous people
A case in point - Every year they would stock their swimming pool with trout
Frank Palumbo died in 1983
James Darren was born in Philadelphia.
He appeared in many movies including "The Guns of Navarone" in 1961 and Gidget two years earlier
In 1983, Darren played the role of Jim Corrigan on the TV series "T.J. Hooker"
He did multiple TV directing jobs including Hunter, Nowhere Man, The A-Team, Hardball, and Police Story.
In the early 60's his hit songs included "Goodbye Cruel World", which became number one in the US,
He is currently touring the country, once-again singing to his adoring fans.
Visit James Darren's Web Site
And the list goes on and on and on
After pressing her for more details about this side of her life,
I was a bit skeptical as you see there were over 16,000 people
...and for Valerie to have two front row seats,
She did acknowledge that there were some celebrities
I did my research and after reviewing videos of the fight
On the front row where she sat from left to right were...
Barbara Streisand and her escort Don Johnson of Miami Vice fame that was all the rage
Video clip of the fight showing Barbara Streisand & Don Johnson, Ivana & Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali & Kirk Douglas
So after I found my proof, Valerie had to go one better and produced this photgraph.
She added how honored she was when boxer Larry Holmes, who is from Easton, PA,
All the kids in the neighborhood saw his monogrammed car outside
Larry was gracious enough to let the parents take their children's pictures with him
To Valerie
And so it goes, whenever I start to doubt Valerie Morrison,
So as I am apologizing to Valerie for doubting her and is forgiven, she asks...
Valerie, you simply amaze me.
Regards, "Your Manager?"
His last fight was for his life...
But his second to last fight was for me
My Hero, My Champion, My ICEMAN...
Joe Frazier
One of 12 children, Joe was raised in a rundown shack on the family farm in South Carolina
Joe eventually moved to Philadelphia, where he worked long hours in a slaughterhouse to provide
Later, unknown to many moviegoers, Sylvester Stallone would incorporate Frazier's workout routine
A few short years later Joe went on to Tokyo Japan competing in the 1964 Olympics
Frazier returned from Tokyo with his medal, empty pockets and the dream of becoming
With the help of a Philadelphia businessman, Frazier was able to pursue this dream.
As Joe came up the ranks after many successful fights, the time came to face Muhammad Ali.
After 15 rounds of pure torture, Joe Frazier won a unanimous decision over Muhammad Ali
Joe Frazier had won "The Fight of the Century"
Back in late August of 2011, I was shopping at a well-known store.
As I passed the stores refrigerated milk case I was confronted by a male employee
As I was explaining to him that I did not leave the door open
Just as I was about to unleash my Romanian fury on him for his lack of manners,
As I turned around to thank my unexpected champion, he said...
I then turned to the rude employee and said, "I would like you to meet my friend Joe,
With a gulp, the employee went himself to close the door and before he could say anything more,
Outside, after I introduced Joe to my manager who was waiting for me in my car,
As Joe and I stepped away to his parked SUV to continue our conversation,
After we hugged each other, for what now would be for the last time,
Joe and I, both living in the same section of Philadelphia, often, by chance, ran into each other
With Joe's hands occupied with the usually messy ice cream,
That's when I got to know the real Joe Frazier, not the Legend,
In late September, just one month after our encounter at the store,
God Bless you Joe
At our last Broadcast Pioneer's Luncheon...
My Manager Frank DeAngelo met for the second time one of his most favorite television personalities the very talented and versatile actress and comedienne
Karen Scioli
Still don't know who the sassy "Re Re DeNucci" from South Philly is?
How about Re Re's "Alter Ego", the beautiful...
Stella of "Saturday Night Dead"
One of Karen's many video clips as "Stella"
For Karen Scioli's Video as "Re Re DeNucci"...
Also in attendance were...
Kenny Jeremiah
Ed Hurst
Kenny Jeremiah's Hit Record
Larry Kane
Larry Kane's brand new novel "Death by Deadline"
Annual 2019 "Salute to our Veterans"
Sunday August 25, 2019 at 11 AM to 4 PM
Location of the Event...
Presented by...
For more information, please contact...
Pictures from our previous "Salute to our Veterans" tributes...
The New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home
The stone wall and foundation to this original hospital has been preserved
And a special remembrance to our past
Bill (Wee Willie) Webber
Don't forget to join Valerie again...
Monday Night April 7, 2025
Valerie is Steve Tatz's guest on his radio show "Get over it"
Call-In Line:
Tune to WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM
And for those Veterans that are not physically able
"Dancin' On Air" & "Dance Party USA"
"Dancin' On Air" was a 1980s television show
In 1986, "Dancin' On Air" became syndicated and shortly thereafter
These highly successful shows featured such early celebrities as
The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia,
On Friday evening, November 19, 2010
During the 1989 and 1990 season, Helen Morrison, Valerie's daughter,
was a Director of Special Projects on the "Dance Party USA" show.
Kelly having been to Valerie's home with Helen on occasion
Later in July 2011
The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia, along with their many other admirable functions,
holds monthly luncheon meetings to honor the Delaware Valley Broadcast Pioneers of today and yesterday.
Valerie Morrison is a member of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Captain Noah and his Magical Ark
Over 41 years ago in 1967 Captain Noah (W. Carter Merbreier), an ordained Lutheran minister,
It initially started as a religious program, but switched to a children's television format in 1970.
The Merbreiers personal life was intermixed with the show.
When they were honored as our Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia "Persons of the Year" in 2001,
Mrs. Noah
Pat Merbreier co-hosted the show as Mrs. Noah alongside her husband.
Prior to the success of the Captain Noah and his Magical Ark TV show,
Over the years, Captain and Mrs. Noah played host to many celebrities
Mrs. Noah passed away at her home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, on June 23, 2011.
I, along with several hundred other people, was in attendance there to see her off.
When my daughter Helen was a child,
Years later, as a young woman, when she finally made it to working on TV,
When my daughter Helen died in an auto accident caused by a DUI driver several years ago,
Pat leaves behind...
Shows like "Captain Noah", "Pixanne", "Sally Starr", "Leave it to Beaver" and "Father knows best"
We never realized and totally underestimated the importence of how these shows
Ideals that we may not have fully understood and learned from our parents
It has always been my belief, and I proclaim to you now that it is no coincidence,
With this in mind we are surely deeply indebted to Mrs. Noah
I Can Sing A Rainbow
Until we meet with you once again on your Magical Ark now sailing high with you in Heaven...
The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
Deep in the forest not 10 blocks from Valerie's home You will find "The Cave of Kelpius" whose tale remains unknown
Valerie Morrison has been asked by the
Read on...
Johannes Kelpius
Johannes Kelpius was born in 1673 in Transylvania,
He was a highly educated man with knowledge of
Moreover, Johannes, with his deep interest in the occult,
Wanting to practice their unusual "Religion"
In 1694, on the eve of their departure to America,
Johannes and his 40 followers,
The Warship: Sarah Maria Hopewell
...settled in June 1694 on a hillside by the Wissahickon Creek
After making peace with the Lenape Indians that lived in the area,
Today, hundreds of cars* everyday
*Commuters going to and from work, Delivery trucks making their rounds,
The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- Part 2 -
Cave of Kelpius - Cult in the Wissahickon
The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- Part 3 -
Is the Cave of Kelpius haunted?
Kelpius & Cult in Wissahickon Valley
Johannes Kelpius died in 1708 and was buried by his disciples
Most of Kelpius's 40 apostles disbanded shortly after his death,
Since their demise some 260 years ago and up to today...
Psychic Valerie Morrison...
About 1/3rd of all sightings of ghosts reported seen
An object, home or land somehow captures and retains it
A sighting that is repetitious (as in this case)
An analogy would be of one watching a video taped old movie
Apparitions seen under these circumstances should not be feared
Now about the real ghosts...
True hauntings are, most times, when you can interact with the spirit.
Most hauntings are by those poor souls that have died abruptly and tragically,
Some spirits are those that have done evil deeds during their lives
These spirits are often "triggered" into activity
You see, the dear departed, who do not realize that they are dead,
We often associate older homes (or land) as being haunted
Older homes or previously inhabited land tend to be more haunted
A larger number of deaths at a property yields a greater chance of someone
Now let me assure you that very few true hauntings are demonic in nature
Those of you that go on "ghost hunts" purely for entertainment should take heed...
Homeowners haunted by these beings often are forced to sell their homes.
The technique to rid one's home of these entities, once provoked, is extremely difficult.
The trick is to not start what cannot be stopped.
In my experience, the spirits of Native American Indians
Although ancient Indian tribes
The Lenni Lenape Indian tribe roamed the Wissahickon when Kelpius arrived
The song "Cherokee Nation" says it all about the American Indian's plight
And with the paraphrased words to this song in mind...
...Just what is the image that appears on this photograph of the Cave of Kelpius?
Mystic Johannes Kelpius
In 2002 while producing his film
It was a clear sunny day and Nik took many photos of the Cave of Kelpius,
Later that night while going through his photos on his computer,
Nik later sent his photo to Art Bell, the former talk radio host of "Coast to Coast AM",
Nik Stamps's work on Kelpius along with a voice clip
Other extraordinary filmography work of Nik Stamps can be found here:
A Side Note
Every treaty* that the U.S. Government made with our Native American Indians was broken.
*The 1778 treaty with the Lenni Lenape was the first treaty made and by 1890,
Today many Indian Reservations, being a territory and not subject to state laws,
...and all the money we took from them when we stole their lands,
One Nickel at a time!
The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- The End ? -
Kelpius developed pneumonia from his unwavering meditations from his damp cave.
After this long illness, Johannes Kelpius, sitting in his garden,
Johannes Kelpius was buried by his disciples
On his deathbed he had in his possession a small sealed casket box
Fearing, after his death, that it could be used for evil deeds if it fell into the wrong hands,
Conrad Matthai, one of Kelpius's 40 disciples
44 years later in 1748, from his deathbed,
The location of Kelpius's and Matthai's entwined unmarked graves
Psychic Valerie Morrison has been requested to psychically help locate these graves
What is believed to be the 1694 Cave of Kelpius is still there
Although there are many organizations
Psychic Valerie Morrison will remain silent in the request to help locate Kelpius's grave
Furthermore, until such time that this can be guaranteed by some organization,
The location of Kelpius's grave is best left unknown
Dame Sybil Leek
- Part 1 -
English Witch, Astrologer, Psychic, and author of the Occult
Known to only but a few, Psychic Valerie Morrison in 1977
After the successful all night seance at the client's mansion...
Sybil took a sincere liking to Valerie Morrison and her gift, and in befriending her,
Hoping to help Valerie as she would as the daughter that she never had
Sybil spent the week with Valerie in daily conversations sharing and teaching
Upon leaving, Sybil presented Valerie with several of her
Their friendship and Sybil's teachings would endure over the years
In the years to follow Valerie continued to only use her own personal psychic gift
Circa 1977 Photo* of Psychic Valerie Morrison (far right) with Sybil Leek (center)
* This Photograph is the Personal Property of Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
Cropped Picture
Close Up
Sybil Leek
- Part 2 -
Her Biography
Sybil Leek was born in England to a well-to-do family that,
Sybil's family played host to some very scholarly characters at her home including...
Author Herbert George Wells (aka H. G. Wells) whom Sybil and her father
H. G. Wells the famed author of the very popular novels:
and T. E. Lawrence of "Lawrence of Arabia" fame.
Sybil's immediate family all played a part encouraging her to follow the craft.
She first worked as an astrologer on the French Riviera but it was cut short
In 1951 after the English repeal and abolishment of the Witchcraft Act of 1735,
In France Sybil met a prominent concert pianist
Shortly after, she was sent by her grandmother to a French coven
Eventually she returned to England.
She became friends with the Romany Gypsies in the forest.
She lived with the Gypsies for a year,
When she was 20, Sybil returned to her family,
However, her open attitude about being a witch caused problems, too.
Sybil even had to enlist her friends to serve as decoys
Although the village itself thrived on the tourism and visitors,
The Amazing World of Kreskin
In 1964, an American publishing company
While in New York, she was contacted by Dr. Hans Holzer, a ghost hunter,
She then moved to Los Angeles where she met Dr. Israel Regardie,
Strong in defense of her beliefs,
She made hundreds of television appearances in the U.S. and England
Sybil foresaw the success of a then obscure French captain
Sybil was, as was Psychic Valerie Morison,
Her pet crow, Mr. Hotfoot Jackson,
Sybil died at her Melbourne, Florida home on October 26, 1982.
Joseph Pozzuolo
Nov 23, 1927 - Feb 4, 2011 Age 83
Beloved Father of my Co-Host Pearl Polto
Goodbye Dear Friend
Baby Wolf
The Things Valerie loved most about her Baby Wolf...
Baby Wolf never borrowed any of my clothes
But most of all...
To My Dear Baby Wolf...
Although you were 130 lbs and the breed of King Sheppard and Wolf...
Watching you carry your little stuffed puppy toy tenderly in your mouth
Watching you protect me from intruders
You loved the falling snow and you would lay in it for hours.
You were my Companion and Guardian and Playmate to children.
Every morning as my manager drank his morning coffee in the kitchen
I remember the times Baby Wolf,
Safe at home and sheltered from the deep snow
Happy voices can be heard in the distance, a car's muffled movement up the street,
I would lay with my head against your body and your fur was so incredibly angora soft.
The grandfather clock tick-tocks away as the fireplace crackles with iridescent colors
And as I hear my Baby Wolf's soft breathing, we both fall off to sleep.
God kept you here with me longer than most of your breed and with that I am grateful.
Daughter Helen left you when you were only 6 months old
Now you have become gravely ill.
But listen to Mommy, my dear frightened and shaking Baby Wolf,
Near Death & Out of Body Experiences
See the video of this touching story by clicking here: NBC Channel 10 Video
This story originally aired on...
Near Death and Out Of Body Experiences
On the brink of Death's Door a brilliant White Light comes into view.
You follow it through a winding and twisting tunnel and arrive on the "Other Side" where
The Near-Death Experience, aka NDE- Sure we all heard of them, after all 5% of the
OK, so our "Medical Experts" now tell us that the white light appears to us at the moment
So it is now believed by our "Medical Experts"
Purely a very vivid dream they will say.
But how do the "Medical Experts" explain the Out-Of-Body Experience, aka OBE,
Another vivid dream?
You won't convince Psychic Valerie Morrison who, after having a Near-Death Experience
After she returned to her body and later in the recovery room,
The janitor was summoned and with the aid of a ladder
During another account,
In the very near future researchers in the United States and the UK
All patients having traumatic surgeries will be interviewed in the recovery room.
When patients start to answer that they saw a picture of the Eiffel Tower
What will our "Medical Experts" tell us then?
I will try my very best to help you with your concerns.
God Bless...
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
Links to Related Paranormal Topics
I Survived... Beyond and Back
Valerie Morrison during her 39+ years as a Psychic Medium
The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences
Dr. Atwater is an international authority on near-death states
Copyright 1999-2024 Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium